Sunday, December 29, 2019

When in doubt, be generous The biggest secret to success

When in doubt, be generous The biggest secret to successWhen in doubt, be generous The biggest secret to successWell, today is the day where we wrap up this 10-part series. Have you enjoyed it? I sure hope so. Ive had a blast sharing all this stuff with you.And if you havent checked out Michael Hyatts5 Days to Your Best Year Ever, it has been a sort of unofficial sponsor of this series. Its the best goal-setting program Ive ever done, and this is my third year going through it.I highly recommend it.Click here to learn how to have your best year ever.All right, on with the final lessonLesson 10 Be generousDo you know what the biggest secret to a successful life is?Be generous.Its so simple and yet so easy to ignore. Heres whyWe think that being generous is something we do once we get famous. And thats not how it works at all.A friend of mine just shared thisAnytime I start getting scared of running out of something, I give away something. I have more than enough love, money, work, fri endship, food, time, and energy to share. Always.I agree. The secret to getting more is to give more. The most successful people I know are not hoarders. Quite the opposite, in fact. And heres my belief on thatSuccessful people are not generous because theyre successful. Theyre successful because theyre generous.Certainly, you run across your occasional Scrooges. But in my experience, those people are the exception, not the norm. Thats just what Ive seen in my whole life, so Im not speaking for everyone, obviously.But thats enough experience to convince me of an important lessonWhen in doubt, be generous.When you have an opportunity to get versus give, go ahead and give.Generosity as a growth strategyI remember starting my blog back in 2010. It wasnt growing, people werent reading, and I wasnt having fun.So I decided to shift something. Realizing I wasnt doing my best work, I decided to do the opposite. I was afraid that if I gave away my best writing on my blog, no one would want t o pay me for my best work. But that kind of scarcity thinking wasnt really working. So I made one simple shiftI decided to start giving away my best work for free.Heres what happens when you do that. Two things, actually1. People start to notice when you give your best work away for free.Why? Because its generous. It makes people think, She gave me all this for free? Wow.Not only that, they trust you even more, believing that paying you would bring even greater value.Which brings me to point 22. You do better work.Look. You dont have a ceiling on what youre capable of. You can keep improving.When I started giving away A+ content on my blog, I started writing better content. When the time came to write a book, I was a much better writer.As you give your work away, your capacity to do better work increases. It has to.So thats the simple short lesson here todayDo your best work for free right now. Give it all away. Jeff GoinsBut wait a second, Jeff, dont you say to never work for free? Thats right. InReal Artists Dont Starve, one of the rules is just that. Dont work for free.But heres the catchYou need to always work for something, and that something doesnt have to be money.When you share a photo on Instagram, you are practicing in public. You are putting your work on display for people to see. You arent working for free. Youre earning peoples attention.The same principle applies when you write on your blog for free. Youre working for email subscribers (or at least, you should be).So, yes. Value your work. But always be generous with it. Give it away in the places where people will pay attention to you.That doesnt mean you have to give all your work away or that you cant charge for what you do at the same time. It just means that when in doubt, its almost always a good rule to be generous.Why?Because, as my friend said, it sets you free from fear. It makes you a better person.Generosity sets you free from fear. Jeff GoinsSo, pay for that friends lunch today when y ou both awkwardly look at the check. Spend some that extra bit of time (in spite of feeling busy) with someone who is hurting. Give it all away.Ive always loved this Annie Dillard quote. Its about writing, but really, I think it applies to any of us who have a gift to share with the world spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book or for another book give it, give it all, give it now. The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better. These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water. Similarly, the impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.And when you feel fear telling you this is not a good idea, remember thats what fear does. It tries to kee p you quiet. Anything you hold on to eventually turns to dust.So, what are you going to give away today?Thisarticlefirst appeared on Goins, Writer. You can listen to the audio version of this lessonhere.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Learn to Use Strong Language at Work

Learn to Use Strong Language at Work Learn to Use Strong Language at Work Have you ever noticed that some people command respect when speaking while others dont? It all comes down to the power of strong language.Strong language is the difference between telling yur boss that you need the day off and asking if it would be possible to take the day off. While its neverokay to disrespectyour superiors, it is important to take charge and act on what you need.The power of strong language can be a hard concept to grasp and even harder to implement if you arent used to actively telling people how you feel and what you need. However, once you have learned how to use strong language in your professional life, youll see an immediate and noticeable difference in how others treat you. If you draw clear boundaries every time you speak, people will have a much harder time taking advantage of you.Strong Language inActionAssume you are a manager. Think about how you would react if someone asked yo u this Can I take the day off? If its too busy or you cant make it work, thats fine.This statement implies that the partie would like the day off but doesnt care much about it. You may decide that it isnt worth going out of your way to make it work for them. You would probably check what the schedule looks like for that day before letting your employeeknow if they could take the day off or not.Now, think about how you would respond if an employee said the following insteadI need to take this day off because I have a personal obligation to tend to.Chances are that you would react very differently.When you make a statement instead of posing a question, people tend to accept it instead of questioning it. When youtell someone that you need to take the day off for personal reasons, you are activelytelling them the situation instead of passively asking if the situation is possible.This leaves them littlechoice but to accept the statement or put up a fight about it. Most employers would ra ther not start the fight. Theyll understand if you need to take a day off here or there provided you give ample notice, of course.Saying No Strong Language Is the KeyAnother situation in whichstrong language is criticalis when you have to say No to someone.I actually found myself in this situation recently, and I acted incorrectly but the good news is you can learn from my mistakeIm usually pretty firmwhen it comes to telling people I cant do something,but an unexpected engagement sort of blindsided me into using weak language. Lo and behold, I didnt end up getting out of it.I was asked if I could come to an event. Even though I had other plans, I responded with the following If you really need me and want me there, I can come. As Im writing this, I see clearlyhow weak and unassertive Isounded. How I should have answered was, Ive made other plans because I wasnt aware that you wanted me to be there.NoteOne very important thing to knowis that you dont owe anyone at work an explanat ion if you need time off or cannot do extra work that is above and beyond your original agreement. Simply saying I need time off or I cannot do that should suffice. Ifsomeone prods you for more information, all you need to say is Its personal or Id rather not discuss it.The bottom line is that we all find ourselves in situations where we need to assert our wants, needs, and boundaries,but it can be hard to articulate these things. Using powerful language shows others that you arent going to back down and let them choose for you.Whether you are at work, with friends, or even with your family, strong language can help you take control of your life no matter the situation.Michele Lando is a certified professional resume writer and the founder ofWrite Styles.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Top Employee Complaints in the Workplace

Top Employee Complaints in the WorkplaceTop Employee Complaints in the WorkplaceKnowing what makes employees unhappy is half the battle when you think about employee work satisfaction, morale, positive motivation, and retention. By listening to employees and providing opportunities for them to communicate with company managers, you can foster a positive work environment where production rises along with morale. HR Solutions Inc., a Chicago-based management consulting firm that specializes in employee engagement surveys, analyzed recurring themes in employee surveys and compiled a top 10 list. The job satisfaction study included more than 2.2 mio respondents with 2,100 organizations representing various industries. How many of the top responses are true in your workplace? 1. Higher Salaries Pay is the number one area where employees seek change. You can foster a work environment in which employees feel comfortable asking for a pay raise. It helps employees feel that they have reco urse when they are feeling underpaid. 2. Internal Pay Equity Employees are concerned particularly with pay compression, the difference in pay between new and longer-term employees. With the average annual pay increase for employees around 2-4 percent, some employees perceive that newcomers are better paid- and, often, they are. Remember that employees have every right to discuss pay, even if employers wish they didnt. 3. Benefits Programs Specifically, many employees feel their health insurance costs too much, especially prescription drug programs when employers pass on part of their rising costs to employees. Employees want comprehensive benefits at no extra cost. 4. Over-Management Workplaces that foster employee empowerment, employee enablement, and broader spans of control by managers will see fewer complaints. A popular word- micromanaging- also expresses this sentiment. 5. Better Guidelines for Merit Pay Increases Employees believe the compensation system shoul d place greater emphasis on merit and contribution. Employees find pay systems in which all employees receive the same pay increase annually to be demoralizing. Such pay systems hit the motivation and commitment of your best employees hardest as they may begin asking whats in this for me? A transparent system wherein employees know what merit increases are based on also is important. As you adopt a merit pay system, one component is education so that employees know specifically what behaviors and contributions merit additional compensation. Employees who do not meet the standard must be informed by their manager about how their performance needs to change to merit a larger pay increase. 6. Human Resources Department Response to Employees The Human Resources department needs to be more responsive to employee questions and concerns. In many companies, the HR department is perceived as the policy-making, policing arm of management. In fact, in forward-thinking HR departments, respo nsiveness to employee needs is one of the cornerstones. 7. Favoritism Employees want the perception that each employee is treated equivalently with other employees. If there are policies, behavioral guidelines, methods for requesting time off, valued assignments, opportunities for development, frequent communication, and just about any other work-related decisions you can think of, employees want fair treatment. 8. Communication and Availability Employees want face-to-face communication time with both their supervisors and executive management. This communication helps them feel recognized and important. And, yes, your time is full because you have a job too. However, a managers main job is to support the success of all his or her reporting employees. Thats how the manager magnifies her own success. 9. Heavy Workloads Departments are understaffed, and employees feel as if their workloads are too heavy, and their time is spread too thinly. This complaint becomes worse as la yoffs, the economy, your ability to find staff, and your business demands grow. To combat this, each company should help employees participate in continuous improvement activities. 10. Facility Cleanliness Employees want a clean, organized work environment in which they have the necessary equipment to perform well. They appreciate not having to share or borrow or bring equipment from home more than you will ever know.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Navy Class A School Student Policies and Restrictions

Navy Class A School Student Policies and RestrictionsNavy Class A School Student Policies and RestrictionsAfter boot camp, Navy recruits attend technical training, usually called class A school. During technical training, there are restrictions on what recruits can and canelend do while attending Navy schools. These restrictions are divided into different phases. In short, technical training begins with numerous restrictions, and, as time goes on, restrictions are steadily lifted. These rules were laid out inCNET Instruction 1540.20, Navy Military Training Policies Procedures. That policy has since been deprecated, but the rules are likely to be found or modified by the different Navy schools. Liberty Policies in Class A Schools A key component of the liberty policy must be an understanding of the equilibrium required between personal and professional life, and that liberty is dependent on all military and technical training requirements and work being completed. The objective o f this policy is to provide students a phased and sequential transition from the highly restrictive recruit training environmentto one more like that which is experienced by Sailors in the Fleet. Training commands, which are located in the same rtlich area, will coordinate with one another to ensure a uniform policy for all students in their area. The following Phase Ladder of Privileges Liberty Policy is applicable to those students who are reporting to Navy schools directly from Recruit Training Command. Phase I- The first three weeks after recruit training Wearing of civilian clothing is not authorized.On-base liberty is only during the training week.Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not authorized.All liberty will expire at 2200.All must complete command indoctrination prior to off-base liberty. Phase II- Personnel may be advanced to Phase II upon meeting the following conditions Three weeks onboard under Phase ICompletion of NMT core curriculumWithin Navy physical fitness s tandardsSatisfactory uniform appearanceSatisfactory academic standingSatisfactory military performanceAt the discretion of the Commanding Officer, liberty during school nights will expire at a time to ensure six hours of continuous sleep in 24 hours. Phase III- Personnel may be advanced to Phase III upon meeting the following conditions Four weeks in Phase IIWithin Navy physical fitness standardsSatisfactory uniform appearanceSatisfactory academic standingSatisfactory military performanceWill allow Sailors under NMT to experience liberty equivalent to that of staff The chain of command or a nonacademic review board may recommend Sailors be tischset back to a previous liberty phase for military infractions or unsatisfactory performance. Gender Integration and Berthing The appropriate interaction which occurs between men and women in the training command is very beneficial in preparing new Sailors to operate in the mixed-gender environment, which they will encounter aboard ship. C onfiguration and policy guidelines for berthing will have as their objective the preparation of every Sailor for gender-integrated living at the operational level, whether afloat, battalion, or squadron. Berthing to house men and women will be in the same building, emulating a shipboard environment whenever possible. Gender privacy and dignity is paramount. All berthing must be secure and well supervised. Tobacco Activities shall maintain an environment that supports smoking abstinence, discourages use of any tobacco products, and is in support of the Navy Tobacco Cessation Program.Smoking may be restricted during certain phases of training. Civilian Clothes Commands will establish a civilian clothes standard that supports Navy Uniform Regulations and the highest standards of appearance. Sailors shall be trained on appropriate civilian attire. The policy for civilian attire should be consistent throughout the command (i.e., same for staff and students) and vigorously enforce d. Uniform All students will be routinely inspected when in uniform, both formally and informally with a critical eye for proper wear and fit. Particular attention should be given to the jumper, skirt, and trouser lengths, and the fit of all outer garments. The ability to wear the neckerchief and necktie correctly, as well as the overall appearance and grooming of the individual, shall also be evaluated. The objective of this policy is to ensure students demonstrate and know the proper wear, care, and maintenance of all uniforms. Alcoholic Beverages Except as specifically authorized by SECNAVINST 1700.11C, the purchase, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages within any installation or vessel under naval jurisdiction are prohibited. Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage containers in A school berthing/lounge areas are hereby specifically prohibited. All personnel who may legally consume alcoholic beverages shall not do so within s ix hours of training or standing duty and must ensure they are FIT FOR DUTY at all appropriate times. Individuals who are drunk or incapacitated for duty because of prior consumption of alcoholic beverages violate Article 134, UCMJ. Daily Routine The daily routine for student personnel is the basic tool to prepare students for the rigors of Navy life. To ensure Sailors are provided with sufficient time to complete all training requirements, supervisors must be completely familiar with the daily routine. The complete standard training workweek is extended because each daily evolution is a training event for new Sailors. NMT training requirements are designed to augment technical training requirements, neither extending time onboard nor superseding technical training requirements. Commands shall establish a daily routine that facilitates completion of all training requirements. Daily routines shall be published and enforced. Daily routines will include normal Navy routines includi ng reveille, quarters for muster, inspection, and instruction, scheduled inspections, watch training, sweepers, taps, etc. Watch Standing The Navy places vast trust and responsibility in the hands of new recruits. Warfighting teams cannot function without them. Student watches shall be maintained when possible. The goal is to emulate the shipboard environment, teaching principles of responsibility, authority, and teamwork. Sailors must devote time to learning the skills that will enable them to qualify as watch standers.All student personnel are eligible to be watch standers unless specifically excused by the Division Leading Chief Petty Officer. Student personnel, while in a duty status, shall not leave the base confines without authorization of the Staff Duty Officer. Relief watches shall eat early meals and proceed directly to their post to relieve the watch. Physical Training All training commands shall schedule and complete a minimum of three one-hour periods per week o f physical exercise. Students onboard greater than 20 weeks will have an official Physical Readiness Test conducted in accordance with OPNAVINST 6110.1. Inspections Inspections are an important, fundamental part of the Navy. They are not merely a traditional or ceremonial drill, but fulfill a vital function, as the means of evaluating the efficiency, morale, and quality of discipline in a military unit.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Resume Model

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Resume Model Do what you could to minimize the effect of frequent job changing, or short-term jobs. When you submit an application for a job outside the modeling industry youre anticipated to have a resume. Having said this, its not customary for models that are represented by modeling agencies to use an acting resume even if theyre asking for an acting job when their main status is model. To assist you in getting started, weve compiled a streak of model resume samples that demonstrate best practices for a selection of job titles within the business. New Ideas Into Resume Model Never Before Revealed You may use the fashion model template to compose a compelling resume. As previously mentioned, you wish to opt for a resume format thats suited to your personal profile. A model resume is not hard to write. An expert model resume is a written copy of any former model work you may have done. The Chronicles of Resume Model The absolute most powerful resume you can write is one which showcases your specific abilities and talents. Your standard small business week could incorporate a number of writing activities. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Choosing Resume Model Job aspirants seeking good jobs are able to make use of sample resumes and boost their profile. Seeking a job is so difficult to everyone. Transportation jobs involve lots of responsibility together with your resume would want to reflect youre ready to care for that. They involve lots of responsibility and your resume will need to reflect you can handle that. You would like to utilize your cover letter to provide the employer an opportunity to get to understand you, not Job Application Cover Letter Sample Author. Writing work application for employment within the artwork industry can be difficult. Skills that are irrelevant to the p articular job should be held in your resume. Normally the very first skill mentioned in the work announcement has become the most important, the second the second and so on. Things You Wont Like About Resume Model and Things You Will Without regard to the case, the greatest outcome of your resume ought to be professional, practical and productive. Personal achievement needs to be highlighted in detail. Since you will likely have minimum expert expertise, dont be afraid to fill up your education section with plenty of information. The Battle Over Resume Model and How to Win It While writing a resume you need to always bear in mind the major goal of drafting a resume. After sending out tons of resumes with minimal or no response, you should reevaluate your position and attempt to earn a few changes. If youre asking for a succession of jobs, take the opportunity to coincide with the employers needs in every single work announcement by means of your cover letter. Your resume s are going to have properly aligned bullet points that make it simple for recruiters to rapidly scan through and pick out the vital elements in your document. The Advantages of Resume Model Youre totally free to use the sample resume weve provided below as a template in making your own. Have a peek at these examples to choose which format is right for you. A template is fantastic, but it isnt the last step. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for several reasons. Only rarely did anyone else receive an opportunity to speak. The perfect way to make certain you will get the interview is to demonstrate that youve read and understood the work description. When youre looking for work, you will want to get a great resume, but you also require an incredible cover letter to have the attention of the possible employer. Its possible for you to form a winning resume to receive the dream job.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

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What You Should Do to Find Out A bout Order Essays Online Before Youre Left Behind Post your purchase and writers have an opportunity to place distinctive bids on the purchase. Moreover, our account is confirmed. After you proceed with the payment our writer will get started working on your purchase immediately Once more, you access the website at your own risk. All About Order Essays Online Writing an all-inclusive essay or research paper can be particularly difficult. Anything you must finish your paper quickly and qualitative. Some will have their writers disappear simply to appear with a very low high quality paper too near the deadline or following the deadline. Buy essay papers is confidential too, and therefore you dont need to be worried about your personal particulars. 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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Job Worn Out its Welcome Know When its Time to Go

Job Worn Out its Welcome Know When its Time to Go One of the most sought after traits in a job is securitythe knowledge that your job will be there for as long as you need it. And it doesnt take much of a stretch of the imagination to see how moving jobs can be a major life stressor even if an employees potential is higher at another company. But sometimes it is impossible to remain at a job for a number of reasons, be it related to development opportunities, work environment, or the condition of the economy. Take a look at some of the symptoms of a job that may be holding back yourcareer so that you can better determine whether it is time to consider seeking employment in greener pastures Your Job doesnt Cater to Your StrengthsNo one is good at everything and there are many positions where one may find that the skills he or she has dedicated years to cultivating just arent relevant to their curre nt job. ur effectiveness at our jobs is also closely related to how much we enjoy performing the everyday tasks required of the work. If you cant stand what you are doing, this is an immediate red flag that you are in the wrong business.Sometimes the problem is with an organizations management. Good management will delegate work in a way that assigns tasks to those employees who are best equipped toperform them. That is, the stronger an employee performs in a task, the more likely he or she is to regularly work at that task. Unfortunately, not all managers are good managers and often do a poor job at delegating with the end result being a workplace full of unhappy employees.Your Trek up the Corporate Ladder is Slow to StagnantMost companies, especially large companies who have gone public, are intensely focused on increasing profits from quarter to quarter, meaning most of a corporate executives day is spent obsessing with the bottom line instead of organizational talent. Unfortunat ely, your company may not have the time or resources to work on developing and promoting their employees. If you feel that your future is limited at your current employer, now is a great time to develop an exit strategy.Your Work Environment is Unhealthy or Operates on Unethical PrinciplesYour surroundings, and the people who inhabit them on a daily basis, have a profound effect on how you feel about your job and your level of performance. A workplace that generates low morale among employees is likely to produce an environment of complacency and indifference. Additionally, if unethical, immoral, or unprincipled behavior is the accepted norm at your workplace, its probably a good time to take the risk and seek out a healthier employer with a supportive and ethical environment.geschftsleben is Slowing to a Crawl with No Signs of ImprovementWhile sales positions are most prone to feeling the effects of a dying business at first, eventually, if the customer pool dries up, no ones salar y is getting paid. In the world of business, loyalty is a precious commodity but dont let this noble trait lead you to unemployment. If a company is tanking, let it go and find a job at a more financially secure company.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Negotiate With Confidence

Negotiate With ConfidenceNegotiate With ConfidenceDont just know your worth, know how to sell it.iVillage Chief CorrespondentKelly Wallaceand I spoke with Kathie Lee and Hoda on theTODAY showabout a surveyiVillagereleased on women in the workplace. According to the survey, only 35 percent of the 1,500 women polled online have ever asked for a raise, and less than 20 percent have ever asked for a promotion.The fact of the matter is, if you dont ask for what you want, you wont get it you have to negotiate. We see this all the time in the workplace. Men expect the raise and ask for it women keep their nose to the grindstone, hoping their hard work will be recognized and, hopefully, rewarded.By not negotiating, you are setting yourself up to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your career. To Sheryl Sandbergs point, we have to purple drank in if we want more. Here are a several ways you can set yourself up for successful negotiations.Do your homework.If youre goin g to negotiate confidently, you need to be prepared. Whether youre asking for a raise or negotiating a new contract, first gather all the facts. Use resources like and Ladders competitive analysis tool, Scout to determine the average compensation range for the role youre vying for, taking into account the location, industry, and company size.Know your worth.What do you bring to the table? Make a list of your major contributions and accomplishments, quantifying them whenever possible. How have you (or will you be able to) cut costs, increase revenue, make things run more efficiently, improve customer satisfaction, etc.? Use this list to remind you of your value and prepare for negotiations.Leave emotion at the door.Negotiation is not about one person winning and the other losing. Instead, it is about each party giving a little to keep or get what they want most. Its business, not personal.If you feel your emotions rising, hold off on negotiating until you can stay cool, ca lm, and collected. These will breed the fourth C confidenceFake it till you make it.Most executives agree that confidence is essential to being a good leader and strong negotiator. You have to exude self-assurance, even when you feel schwefelyperit and helpless. Never apologize for negotiating own it. All too often women apologize when theyve done nothing wrong and, as a result, they are viewed by men as being weak or lacking conviction. Do not let yourself fall into that trap.Empower yourself.Negotiation can be learned, but it takes practice. Role play with your partner or a friend, and dont forget, you negotiate more than you know it. Whether youre debating who will wash the dishes after dinner or negotiating with your five-year old over bedtime, youre practicing those skills.If youd like more information on negotiation, I recommend picking up a copy of A Womens Guide to Successful Negotiation , by Lee E. Miller and Jessica Miller, and Negotiating Your Salary How to Make $1000 a Minute , by Jack Chapman.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

24 Quick Tips That Will Improve Your Writing

24 Quick Tips That Will Improve Your Writing24 Quick Tips That Will Improve Your Writing Every day, we write college papers, blog posts, work documents, emailles and social media updates. Our writing represents who we are personally and professionally, so its worth it to hone your skills. Here are twenty-five tips to help you communicate better in text.Maybe you want to write a certain number of words per day or upgrade your vocabulary. You cant reach a goal unless you have one , so write that goal down and work toward it.For many people, writing comes easier right after a good nights sleep. Grammarlys research also shows early birds make fewer writing mistakes .Heres a tip Grammarly runs on powerful algorithms developed by the worlds leading linguists, and it can save you from misspellings, hundreds of types of grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and words that are spelled right but used in the wrong context. Learn moraBefore you begin writing, do some reconnaiss ance reading. Take notes as you read up on your subject material. Ideas will form as you research.Heres a tip Once youve jumped into the writing process, dont stop to do more research. Instead, add a placeholder like RESEARCH and keep rolling. You can come back to finalize facts and add references when your first draft is finished.If you often find yourself rambling on without a clear structure, start with an outline. Follow this simple, no-fail outlining process to organize yourself from the start.Brevity is important in professional communication . Respect your colleagues time by knowing exactly what you need to communicate before you begin writing so you can keep your message concise.Does the person youre communicating with have the same information and frame of reference you do? If not, make sure you provide context. You dont have to give the entire backstory, just fill in the missing pieces so your message will be clear.Use good email formatting structure . Write an enticing s ubject line so your recipient is compelled to open your email. Understand proper email salutations and closings .Yes, you might be irked at your colleague for dropping the ball on that project and making you look bad, but dont send emails when youre still fuming. If you must write when emotions are hot, do it offline. Walk away for at least twelve hours, then edit with a calm head.Heres a tip Dont treat email as anything less than an extension of your professional persona . The way you communicate in professional settings reflects on you in a potentially lasting way.Typos and grammar gaffes make you look bad. Scan your email and fix errors before you send it. Youll look your best when your correspondence is mistake-freeYour writing should sound natural and fluid. Unless youre communicating in a more formal context, write as though youre talking to a friend.We just said Write like you talk, but theres a caveat - dont ramble. Avoid winding twists and turns, and dont use filler words such as like , really and you know . Good writing should get to the point and avoid fluff.No matter what the message, we humans are drawn to stories. Consider Pixars guide Once upon a time there welches ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___.Empathy can improve all kinds of writing, from fiction to content marketing to email outreach. Take the time to put yourself in your readers place. Are you preaching to them, or are you engaging them by showing that you relate to their feelings and experiences?The more interested you are about the subject youre writing about, the more intrigued your readers will be with what youve written.Heres a tip Faced with less-than-inspiring subject material for an assigned project? Find a fascinating angle for your story. With the right approach, its even possible to write an interesting story about something unappealing.Whenever possible, dont edit just after youve finished writing. Come back af ter a break and review with fresh eyes. Even stepping away for a quick walk or a cup of coffee can help you shift gears from writer to editor.When you edit, its time to cut the fluff. Every word needs a job, and those that arent pulling their weight have to go. Heres our list of words and phrases you can eliminate right now .Get rid of fruchtwein adverbs and use stronger verb choices instead . When you do, ran swiftly becomes darted and cried pitifully becomes wailed . Remember what Stephen King said I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs.The comma is a misunderstood punctuation mark. There are a number of rules for proper comma usage, but if you study them, theyll become second nature. Heres a quick guide . And heres another that lists the most common comma struggles and how to solve them .We often write in the order that ideas and thoughts come to us, but thats not always the best way to present the final product.Heres a tip If you didnt outline before you began writi ng, try outlining your finished draft. Sometimes, the process of outlining a finished draft will reveal paragraphs or whole sections that would make more sense if they were moved.One of the best ways to find clumsy sentence structure is to read your writing aloud. If you stumble as youre reading, take a look at the sentence you tripped over and see if you can clear it up.We all have our writing struggles. Make a list of your most frequent mistakes so you can easily find and eliminate them next time.Heres a tip Let Grammarly do the tracking for you Members receive free weekly email insights , which include not only statistics about their writing habits and level of mastery, but their top writing mistakes.Sometimes a second pair of eyes can prove helpful. Just remember the mnemonic, TWYWALTR - in creative circles, it means Take What You Want And Leave The Rest. Give all the advice you receive your full consideration, but make your own choices in the end.Editing yourself is hard. Gram marlys app can help you find all kinds of writing errors . Think of it as a helpful friend looking over your shoulder and saying, Hey, that doesnt seem quite right. Want to take another look?Read about writing. (Youre here, so youre off to a good start) Read in general, and youll learn style and grammar by osmosis. And practice often. The best way to improve your writing is by doing it. OnwardThis article was originally published on Grammarly . It is reprinted with permission.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tips for Job Searching When You are Unemployed

Tips for Job Searching When You are Unemployed Tips for Job Searching When You are Unemployed If you’ve ever been unemployed for any length of time, you know how difficult it can be to keep to a routine or perform necessary tasks without the threat of an angry boss looming over your shoulders.  Sure, you have plenty of time for personal development, networking, and sharpening your professional skills, but then there’s also the latest episode of “The Dr. MacDoogan Show” to distract you. Don’t get us wrong, we feel your pain.  Heck, after just a three day weekend it seems like a herculean effort just to get out of our PJ bottoms and into work slacks, much less after any break longer than 72 hours.  Unless you feel like taking up residence in the garden apartment (read basement) of your parent’s home for the remainder of your adult years, getting started on the job search and landing a new gig ASAP are essential to your bank account and sanity.  With that in mind, here are a few pieces of sage wisdom designed to help put a get in your giddy-up and kickstart your job searching when you are unemployed.   Schedule Your Time What do successful individuals from military generals to venture finance professionals all have in common?  They schedule their time.  When unemployed, it’s often easy to think that you have all the time in the world to polish up that resume, search for open jobs and submit an application or two, while fitting in your newly found obsession with daytime television.  In reality, however, by the time you’ve crawled out of bed, brushed your teeth, downed a cup or two of coffee and indulged in an episode of the “Young and Impossibly Manicured” your day is half over.  Cram in your laundry, picking up the house and minding the incessantly barking dog, and it’s time to go to bed and wash, rinse and repeat all over again. Creating a schedule for both your job search activities and your daily life helps unemployed candidates keep a handle on how they spend their free time.  This can help job-seekers ensure they’re spending sufficient time every day on career making activities.  In addition, setting a schedule can help make the transition back to the real world of employment easier once you’ve landed that position. Start out by making a list of daily must-dos such as job searching, networking and following up on opportunities.  Make another list of important, but not mandatory items such as household chores or social engagements that can be put off or that have time and date flexibility.  Finally make a list of purely optional, fun or recreational items that help keep you sane.  Assign each of the tasks an estimated time.  The important tasks should get reserved time slots daily, with the remaining openings filled in with items from the other two lists. Once you have a schedule, stick to it.  A structure can be hard at first, but, over time, can become freeing as you learn just how much of your day or week was wasted on spinning your wheels.  Last but not least, be sure to schedule exercise time on a regular basis.  Physical activity is important for physical and mental health and is especially useful for getting you out of the house and active when unemployed. Volunteer or Become an Intern Most unemployed individuals spend their time looking for full time, paid positions.  While your budget will certainly approve of this approach, if you’re struggling to find a winning role, a volunteer position or internship may be the ticket to job-hunting success. Volunteering for local organizations or charities in need helps get you out of the house and giving back to the community.  Many hospitals, schools, nursing homes and government buildings are often understaffed and in need of qualified and caring individuals to perform essential job functions.  Both non and for-profit companies also often have openings for unpaid internships.  With both of these opportunities, you may be able to keep your essential job skills sharp.  In addition, volunteer and intern roles introduce you to a host of different people at all levels of a community or organization.  These interactions can lead to beneficial social or professional opportunities and could even turn into an offer of employment down the line. Network and Then Network Some More Most candidates recognize the effectiveness of networking in order to attain upward mobility in their given field.  What may be less obvious, however, is that networking with others in your profession can also help when you’re looking to land a job outright.   Start out by reviewing your personal and professional contacts.  After a few emails and phone calls, you will most likely have a full roster of dinners, cocktails or casual conversations.  During these events, be sure to mention that you’re on the hunt for a new position and are interested in knowing what may be open with the individual’s company.  You may also do a little internet sleuthing for scheduled networking events offered by companies or services in your career field.   It’s important to network wisely to avoid leaving the wrong impression.  If you haven’t spoken to a contact in a number of years, hearing from you out of the blue when you’re in need of a job can leave a bad impression in addition to most likely not being beneficial.  Sending follow up emails and reaching out after your networking event with a personal phone call can leave a good impression in addition to keeping your need of a job fresh in the person’s mind. Don’t Over Criticize or Nitpick When you’re unemployed, searching for a job can often seem like an emotional roller coaster.  Combine that fact with the inevitable extra time on your hands and you can be left with a potential ego killing cocktail of self-doubt and criticism.  Likewise, the failure to land a job right away can often lead to nitpicking of perfectly good resumes and cover letters often with counterproductive results. If you’re unemployed its important to work to stay positive about your job prospects.  Speaking with a recruiter or trusted friend or previous work colleague can often provide much-needed advice in addition to boosting that self-confidence.  Having a positive outlook will benefit you both in the job search and when you inevitably land that interview or call back and are in the running for a job offer. Our last and final piece of advice for those who are unemployed but seeking a job is to avoid being stagnant in your life and job search.  Keep your eyes open for opportunities and constantly seek out contacts and job openings in a variety of forms.  Building on the momentum of the previous day’s job search, networking event or other activity will see you landing a job all the more quickly while helping keep your spirits high in the process.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

3 Easy New Years Resolutions You Can Keep - The Muse

3 Easy New Years Resolutions You Can Keep - The Muse 3 Easy New Years Resolutions You Can Keep In case you just woke up from a very long nap and missed it, a new year is officially here! Everyone you know is making resolutions to work out more often, eat less fried foods, and find a job that pays them one billion dollars a year to do the exact thing they want to do. You probably roll your eyes every time you read a status along these lines, and when you do, I have a feeling it makes you think that making these resolutions is an exercise in futility. I’m as much of a skeptic as the next person, but there are a few things I know you can achieve by the end of the year. 1. You Can Stop Thinking About Networking and Just Do It How many times have you bumped into someone you knew and said, “Hey, this was great. Let’s set up some more time to talk about what I want to do with the rest of my life,” only to see three months go by before you even think about following up? I’m not here to give you a hard time for ghosting anyone you intended to connect with. But at the same time, this is an ideal time to be more intentional about staying in touch with your network. If you meet with someone and feel the urge to say that you’ll reach out to set up some time, stop yourself and just schedule the meeting in that moment. If you can’t commit to doing this, don’t feel guilty about not throwing out the “let’s catch up” line to close a conversation. Nobody will hold it against you for not offering to meet whenever you run into each other, I promise. 2. You Can Look For New Career Development Opportunities I get it- sometimes it feels like there are so many options out there to “boost your career” that it’s impossible to narrow them down and make any progress. But as daunting as it might seem, the truth is that simply looking at your options is a great way to kick-start some serious career growth. You can sit down and create a list of all the options out there- courses, books, career coaches. And you can just pick one and follow through. Whether that requires you to create calendar events for yourself (with annoying reminders) to keep at it, leave Post-it notes around your place, or have a friend text you every week checking in- get started by surrounding yourself with as much encouragement as you need to make this one thing happen. Sure, you might find hundreds of classes and thousands of books that aren’t relevant to what you want to accomplish this year. But when you find the one thing that inspires you to dig a little deeper, you’ll be amazed by how motivated you’ll be to keep going. 3. You Can Take a Hard Look at How You Feel About Your Current Job You might like your job right now. In fact, if you’re lucky, you might really like it. But there will come a time when you like it a little bit less, and a little bit less, and a little bit less- until one day you wake up and want to quit. Avoid that feeling of “How the heck did I get here?” by setting regular checkpoints for yourself throughout the year (and creating actual events on your calendar that’ll pop and and remind you). On each of these days, ask yourself the following questions Was I happy to come into the office this week? Have I done anything recently that I’m proud of? Does my current path still fit my long-term goals? As long as you can keep answering yes, keep on cruising. But the first time you have to pause and think for a second, it’s time to have a heart-to-heart with yourself on what you want your next step to be (whether that’s addressing a problem or starting to make small moves). If you want to set some lofty goals for your career this year, I’m not going to stop you. But there’s nothing wrong with going easy on yourself and setting a few achievable resolutions. Remember: If you run into any roadblocks along the way, try not to let it get you too down for too long. The beauty of these options is that they’re ongoing and it’s hard to fall behind.

Monday, November 18, 2019

John H. Lienhard Engineer, Educator, Communicator

John H. Lienhard Engineer, Educator, Communicator John H. Lienhard Engineer, Educator, Communicator John H. Lienhard: Engineer, Educator, Communicator If John Lienhard, of Engines of Our Ingenuity fame, had not lived his life following the advice of the early Roman poet Horace to Carpe diem (Seize the day), he likely would not have been able to have a career that has combined his love of engineering, teaching, and cultural history. His personal story of struggle to earn a Ph.D. in engineering and of broadening horizons much further is an inspirational one although not a master plan. Commenting on his career track, he noted, Is anyones path built in from the outset, or is it formed by a succession of circumstances? Perhaps the person in question is least qualified of anyone to say. His early school years did not portend well. I couldnt read and write, could barely scrape through school, he said. Finally, his world opened up, when he began a drafting course as a high school senior. I just loved it and realized here is something I can do, he said. I didnt think I was stupid, but I recognized that there was a hurdle to overcome. The hurdle was dyslexia, which was identified in the late 19th century, but which was not on educators radar when Lienhard was struggling. There was no diagnosis back then except for lazy and stupid, he said. In 1980 John H. Lienhard received the ASME Heat Transfer award. But overcome it he did, mostly on his own, and then went on not only to train future engineers but also to incorporate his love of teaching and cultural history reaching the general public via radio with stories of how culture formed by technology and other creative enterprises in turn shapes technology and science. It was the drafting course that gave him some confidence, but he still struggled at community college as a C or D student in pre-engineering until he figured out how to make As. He repeated the same pattern before earning a B.S. in mechanical engineering at Oregon State College and took a job in the drafting department at Boeing. But drafting was mind-numbing for him. After some aptitude tests, he transferred to Boeings education department training new hires in skills such as drafting and design practices, and he loved it. But then he knew that meant he would need a higher degree to continue in education, and he enrolled to earn a masters in mechanical engineering at the University of Washington, only to be drafted by the Army upon graduation. In the Army, he found himself spending a lot of time just standing in lines. Again, carpe diem came into play. He tucked a paperback book in the breast pocket of his fatigue jacket. When I was standing in line, I would practice eye tracking, he said. That was his solution to improve his reading with his dyslexia. Discharged from the Army, he returned to the University of Washington as a teaching instructor and. Knowing he should have a Ph.D. for a career in academia, enrolled in the engineering program at the University of California at Berkeley. Same old story, he says, I started out as a C student and ended up with As. After graduation he returned to his first love â€" teaching â€" first at Washington State and subsequently as a full professor at the University of Kentucky, while continuing work in thermal sciences for which he was recognized as making outstanding contributions to the science of heat transfer and phase change. Always eager to learn new things, one summer he applied and was accepted at a Smithsonian course on how to write about the history of technology. Immersed in the Smithsonian archives, he was captivated by how much art, technology, and cultural ideas are all intertwined and have shaped society. Back teaching in Kentucky, he wanted to share that insight with his engineering students so he created a course in cultural history, a program of study that went so well that he also introduced it when he joined the engineering faculty at the University of Houston in 1980. One summer in the late 1980s in a chance conversation, the dean of engineering mentioned that he was considering creating 30-second radio spots to highlight engineering. Lienhard responded that they shouldnt be short advertising spots. We want to be telling stories, he recalls saying. Three days later, he had prepared three scripts, about four minutes each. Nobody thought it would work at that length, he said. But the show, Engines of Our Ingenuity, was produced by the University and its public radio station and began airing Jan. 4, 1988. It continues to this day as a five-day-a-week radio series now available on scores of public service stations across the country and other outlets overseas as well as in space (the International Space Station) and online. As of Jan. 7, 2016, 3,038 new episodes have aired and are posted on the Engines web site. The essays tell the story of human invention and creativity. The stories focus on engineering and technology, but bring in math, other sciences, art, literature, medicine, and music. For more than two decades while still teaching, writing, researching, Lienhard was the author and voice of the show before others joined his team. At first I cherry-picked things from teaching and put them together in episode form, said Lienhard, author or co-author of four books and more than 300 published articles. Then I had to learn new material and spent an enormous amount of time in the library and seeking out stories wherever I could find them, establishing threads of continuity. The threads weave, mix, and blur and start bifurcating into other topics. Something emerges out of this whole business of creativity and invention, and its that invention is a matter of catching the fleeting idea as it whips past you, and other people miss it. Carpe diem, full circle. Nancy S. Giges is an independent writer.Invention is a matter of catching the fleeting idea as it whips past you, and other people miss it.John Lienhard

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Yes, attractive people really can earn more money

Yes, attractive people really can earn more money Yes, attractive people really can earn more money Self-Assessment Quiz: True or False What I wore in college is okay to wear in my new role because I work in Silicon Valley and we have a relaxed dress code. TRUE / FALSE I look this way because I can’t afford to buy nicer clothes. TRUE / FALSE I usually just roll out of bed and grab the first thing in my closet. TRUE / FALSE I prefer the less-is-more look when it comes to hair and makeup, so I don’t wear any makeup. TRUE / FALSE I know I’m going to get some hate mail for this post, but it’s my blog and my opinion, so let’s get this cold, hard truth out of the way right off the bat. “Attractive people earn an average of 3 percent to 4 percent more than people with below-average looks,” according to Daniel Hamermesh in his book  Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More  Successful  (Princeton University Press, 2013).So what are you saying, Cheryl? Only pretty people get hired? Read that quote again, please. It didn’t once mention the word “pretty.” It said “attractive.” And in my opinion, anyone and everyone can be attractive, if they take the time and pay attention to how they dress, act, and carry themselves.Why is this important? Did you  read  the quote?  You can earn an average of 3 to 4%  more  if you just spend some time caring about how you present yourself to the world.  To me, that’s the definition of attractive. And if how much you earn at the start of your career plays a cr itical role in how much you earn going forward, doesn’t it only make sense to get as much as you’re worth right from the start? If your looks can help with that, why not maximize them to your benefit?!I know the world has changed! Gone are the days when you were expected to show up wearing the same dark blue or black business suit for each and every job interview you went on. However, it does not hurt one iota to dress up for an interview. Even if you’re applying for a tech position at the latest internet or social media company  du jour  in Silicon Valley, or a hip retail establishment, it won’t hurt you to show up for that first conversation looking like you care about personal hygiene and cleanliness, or that you know how to use a comb. No matter how smart you are. I stand firm on my assertion that you work better when you feel better about yourself. That includes your appearance. So if you answered TRUE to the quiz questions above, I encourage you to rethink your strateg y for long-term success. Dress for success still means something. I don’t care if the rest of the work crew is wearing flip-flops. Standing out can pay off in the long run.Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor you’ve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found at

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Guidance Counselor Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Guidance Counselor Resume Template Customize this Outstanding Guidance Counselor Resume Template Guidance counselors are generous and thoughtful human beings, and it is important to have a resume that reflects these traits. Crafting a resume that really captures your personality can put you ahead of the competition and help you obtain the job you want.Refer to the guidance counselor resume sample below for information and insight into writing your own resume. We also provide tips and guidelines to help you know what to put in your own. All of the information here shows you how to best flesh out your resume to include a comprehensive skills section, a detailed work experience section, and a strong personal summary. Our resume builder provides even more assistance to ensure your document is top notch.Writing the Guidance Counselor Resume TemplateCreate Resume A good resume follows a set format, lists your experience and education and shows your skills. While you might have all that information on your resume, you might not follow the format that employers desire. A Guidance Couns elor resume template shows you the format and how to write a good resume.Resume Template for Guidance CounselorEmma SmithProfessional SummaryLicensed social worker and Guidance Counselor with experience working with students in high school through college. Assists students with writing resume, helps students fill out college applications, provides guidance in regards to starting careers and offers some mental health counseling. Experience in identifying and reporting abuse.Core QualificationsLicensed Social WorkerHigh School/College CounselingAdministering Career TestsResume WritingMental Health CounselingAbuse Identification and ReportingWork ExperienceGuidance Counselor, July 2013 May 2015New Cityland Community College New Cityland, CAAdministered and evaluated tests and materials designed to show students the skills they had and which careers were best for themRead through resumes and cover letters submitted by students to help them apply for jobsCounseled victims of abuse, bul lying and other problems and helped them find professionals to assist them furtherGuidance Counselor, August 2010 June 2013New Cityland High School New Cityland, CAMet with students privately to discuss their future plans and decide between working or going to collegeReviewed college applications to help students write essays and complete their applicationsWas responsible for identifying signs of abuse, peer pressure, bullying and other common problems prior to alerting the principal or authoritiesEducation2010 Bachelor of Science, Social WorkUniversity of California Los Angeles, CACustomize ResumeWhy Is This a Good Guidance Counselor Resume Sample?The guidance counselor resume sample is a great example of a document that is fleshed out well. The professional summary includes important qualifications such as licensing and then lists the applicant’s focus areas, which in this case are high school and college. It goes on to discuss what type of counseling the applicant performed. She refrains from including non-relevant information and ensures all wording is important. For the core qualifications, the applicant lists only those skills that are important for the job. She lists all skills in short phrases and sets them off with bullet points, which makes the section exceptionally easy to read. Lastly, she includes six skills, which is an appropriate number for this section. Four are too few to fully demonstrate capability, and any more than eight can make the page look too messy and overfilled. The work experience section of the guidance counselor resume sample lists only two positions; however, the applicant includes bulleted information about each position to make the section more detailed. She starts off the bullets with strong words like “administered” and “counseled.” The resume also includes proper detail by listing the name of the employer, the city and state, and the dates of employment. Lastly, the applicant includes a section for education. As shown, this section doesn’t need to be long. It is important to list the name and location of the institution, the title of the degree, and the year of completion, but leave off the year if it’s outdated. This section shows the applicant has the necessary background to fulfill the job. Any employer can scan this resume quickly and determine whether the applicant has the necessary background and qualifications to interview for the position. The jobseeker choses her words carefully to keep her document clear of any fluff or extraneous information. Doing so makes her resume look polished and shows she tailored it to her industry.Why You Need a Strong Guidance Counselor ResumeThe job outlook for guidance counselors is looking up, with an 8 percent increase between 2014 and 2024, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Because of this increase, more jobseekers may be interested in this field, which can make the application process that much more competitive. To get the attent ion of an employer, you’ll want to have a resume that best reflects your abilities and strengths. The guidance counselor resume sample below can help you achieve this. Most hiring managers have just moments to look over a resume before deciding whether the candidate is worth pursuing. You want to make those few moments count by having a resume that really stands out. Guidance counselors work with a few different age and educational groups, including high school students, college students, and clients in rehabilitation centers. Demonstrating your area of expertise can help you gain a leg up.Costly Guidance Counselor Mistakes To AvoidOne of the biggest resume mistakes, and one of the easiest to fix, is not having a second pair of eyes look over your document for simple errors. The brain of the writer often fixes what it cannot see without the writer even being aware. However, someone else, who doesn’t know what you intended your next word to be, can more easily spot these simple m istakes. The reader doesn’t necessarily have to be a strong in grammar or spelling to spot problems. Resume writers also often have trouble talking themselves up in the document. To make the best impression, you should mention skills important for the position that a hiring manager would expect to see. Review our guidance counselor resume sample to observe how a writer can effectively advocate for him- or herself by including key skills such as mental health counseling and abuse identification, as well as the required licenses or certifications for your location.ConclusionThe tips listed here and the guidance counselor resume sample are a good jumping-off point for creating your own great document. Show the employer your passion, personality, and drive by infusing your words with confidence and clarity. Once you get the acceptance and walk through those doors for your first day, you will be able to transform lives, one person at a time.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Crypto-king pays $4.5M to have lunch with crypto-doubter Warren Buffett

Crypto-king pays $4.5M to have lunch with crypto-doubter Warren Buffett Crypto-king pays $4.5M to have lunch with crypto-doubter Warren Buffett Cryptocurrency king, founder of blockchain platform Tron, and CEO of BitTorrent Justin Sun paid $4.5 million in an eBay charity auction to have lunch with Berkshire Hathaway CEO, and billionaire philanthropist, Warren Buffett, reports the  Wall Street Journal.The lunch conversation is sure to be interesting considering Buffett’s views on all things crypto; he referred to it last year as “probably rat poison squared,” telling CNBC that it was “creating nothing” and warning his investors not to invest in crypto. But he didn’t stop there; Buffett has also called Bitcoin “a mirage” and predicted that cryptocurrency will “come to a bad ending.”Sun is definitely looking to changed Buffett’s mind, per his recent Tweet:The lunch will take place in the steakhouse Smith and Wollensky in New York, reports the Journal, and Sun will be able to bring along some friends.It was a record bid for the annual auction to have lunch with Buffett; proceeds went to the GLIDE Foundation , a San Francisco organization which provides services to the area’s homeless, poor, and marginalized.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What to do after Applying for a Job Online

What to do after Applying for a Job Online What to do after Applying for a Job Online After you press Submit on Ladders site, your resume is on its way, but you̢۪re not done yet. There are steps you must take to improve the odds your application will result in a job.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

4 Ways to Use LinkedIn like a Pro

4 Ways to Use LinkedIn like a Pro 4 Ways to Use LinkedIn like a Pro Chances are you’re doing it wrong. Yes, you! If you’re using LinkedIn to get a job or for networking, the chances are you’re doing it all wrong. You have not discovered the proper ways to use LinkedIn. But don’t fret, acceptance is the first step to recovery. If you want to know ways to use LinkedIn to land a job, make more sales, or to stand out from the crowd, follow these simple steps to start using LinkedIn like a pro. 1. Stop posting links If you just use LinkedIn to post the occasional link to your website, or an article that seems interesting to you, then you’re doing it wrong. People are looking through LinkedIn because they want to see content on LinkedIn, not on your website. The algorithm won’t be in your favor either because LinkedIn is not going to help you redirect traffic from their website to yours. The chances are the article you’re posting has a point or a general idea that you’d like to share. The chances are you have an opinion on the article that could be directly related to your area of expertise. Instead of letting the author take credit for your thoughts and opinions, write a long-form post describing your views. This allows other users to get some insight into your thoughts and opinions while making yourself seem more personable. Being personable will help you if you are using LinkedIn for networking. 2. Stop being negative Nobody likes someone who is negative and always has to argue the opposite viewpoint. You might be right but LinkedIn comments are no place to prove another person wrong. Unless someone is blatantly wrong or offensive and you feel inclined to correct them, don’t do it. People like other people who are positive and are encouraging. Instead of being negative maybe share some advice in a positive and constructive way. Instead of rushing to say someone is wrong maybe try to understand the other person first. If you are using LinkedIn for networking, you’ll get more people to connect with you if they feel they are on your side and not against. 3. Stop cold messaging people When was the last time you got a cold inmail from another LinkedIn user and got excited to read their sales pitch? When was the last time you took their phone call and gave them all your business? Chances are this tactic didn’t work on you so why would it work on anyone else? Writing effective inmails through LinkedIn only works if used in the right context. But the main issue with most users using LinkedIn to cold inmail is they have no context whatsoever. If you don’t know the person and have no knowledge of them besides their profile picture then chances are you won’t be making a sale, getting a job through LinkedIn, or get a follow-up phone call. If you are using LinkedIn for networking or to get a job, take the time to view their profile and get some context before sending them a direct message. Here are ways to use LinkedIn that works better than a LinkedIn cold inmail. 4. Getting a job through LinkedIn Let’s say you’re looking for a job at a specific company. You probably even know which office or which location you’d like to work at. Maybe you don’t have that dream company but you have a dream job in a specific region. Doing a simple Google search will show you top employers in that area and the managers and directors at those offices. You can send them a direct message on LinkedIn saying you’d like a job but the odds are that won’t work. If anything, that will just annoy them and ensure you’ll never get a job through LinkedIn. Instead of going the traditional route you can put in some extra work. Follow 10 people from different companies that you’d like to work for. LinkedIn allows you to see their post and their comments on another user’s post. Simply engage in conversation by commenting on their post before going in for a direct message. If they’re talking about top trends in accounting then add your two-cents on where you think the industry is going. If you don’t have an opinion then just follow it up with a question. After a week of engaging in conversation, you can send a connection request (Yes, one week). At this point, you’re not going to ask for a job interview. Ask to connect and say you appreciate their insights on LinkedIn. After another week of more engagement, you can message them saying the following: “Hi [Insert name here], I see you work at [x company]. I’ve always wanted to work here, what got you interested in working at that company?” Since you’ve engaged in conversation before they are more likely to respond. They’ll probably share their experience and tell you how they got a job. They might even offer to send your resume to the hiring manager. Chances are you’ll have to follow the traditional application process but having an advocate on the inside will boost your chances considerably. Conclusion You’ll need to start thinking like a pro in order to follow the proper ways to use LinkedIn. Think of LinkedIn as your personal channel. Do your viewers want to see paid advertising or do they want to see your creative content? Be active, proactive, positive and engaging while using LinkedIn for networking or getting a job through LinkedIn. You’ll go far, but remember to be patient.

Monday, November 11, 2019

All About Genie Customer Service

All About Genie Customer Service The Tried and True Method for Genie Customer Service in Step by Step Detail You will always understand what everything expenses, and why. Beyond a painting company being properly registered and insured, it's also important it has a sufficient amount of experience. When a homeowner decides to get their home painted, it's extremely important they find a Bay Area residential painting company who's competent and will do a nice job, but who will also provide top-rate customer support. So you're constructing a new house with a substantial parking lot attached to it. The technician will subsequently provide you with a comprehensive explanation together with his recommendations. He was a true professional and an expert. After the repair or replacement is done, our technician will help you through the new setup and reveal to you the simple maintenance of it. If you've got an iPhone, it's possible to now say goodbye to carrying and using a convention al remote garage door opener. You simply pull out some excess bag, then cut it off, tie this up and you're all set. Another thing you ought to determine the gate opening machine, you will utilize to move your huge carport gate. The great thing is that you can purchase a remote for your gate opener at no additional price. The other thing I liked better regarding the Elite is the fact that it is simple to dispose of. You might even upload an image. A variety of gate openers are offered in the industry and one could be confused to see all of the door opening machines. There are manufacturers which make quality garage door remotes for all of the varieties of gate opening machines. In order to acquire a fitting gate opening device for your carport door, you should identify your requirements. Another way to discover a door opening machine from a massive selection of gate openers is to establish your requirements and see which machine best suits to your requirements. Quality professional reviews are difficult to come by. Our company has been offering garage door repair services for more than 20 years, so that you can rest assured that you will receive the very best possible service from us. For example, some companies ask the client to move their furniture while others are going to move a lot of the furniture themselves. The rest of the companies wouldn't replace diving boards. Garage door openers usually include a remote control in addition to the sensor that receives the signal. It's possible to visit as many stores as you need and draw information about various kinds of door opening devices. There are many internet stores that provide door opening devices and their spare pieces. Be sure to confirm your wire colors for your vehicle. There are lots of brands in the industry and to select a brand you must educate yourself regarding the gate openers they're offering. To seek out the learn button you might have to eliminate the light cover on the opener. You get to choose wood or other materials your specific shelves will be created from. When you strip off all of the personal labels, there aren't so many to select from. Typically, it is possible to find out which doors an opener can be used with on the company's site. You will be thrilled to know that branded openers are offered at economical prices on online stores. Jackshaft openers are somewhat more costly than the majority of other kinds of openers. Raynor-branded openers are created by The Chamberlain Group. Top Genie Customer Service Choices You will always understand what you're paying for. If you would like your package insured please choose a normal UPS service. Order cancellation requests can't be accepted via email. Your very best option is the telephone. Using Genie Customer Service That product altered the online equation for Genie. Spin Genie is ideal for men and women that are always on the move since you can sign into the site from wherever you may be via the desktop site or free downloadable mobile app.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Dos and Donts of Intern Resume

The Do's and Don'ts of Intern Resume Most Noticeable Intern Resume Several skills and thorough knowledge readily support a number of professional undertakings. Experience will be crucial for management slots. Before putting in an application for a user experience design internship, you need to consider what type of the internship experience you desire. In instances like this, you've got enough experience but not in one specific field. Furthermore, it's critical to earn the related certification if you would like to land work outside your specialty because it will tell the HR managers you will be capable of doing the work right. You can't which recruiter will be in a position to relate to your experience, and if they do, it's an important advantage for you. To acquire an internship with a major marketing company which delivers the chance to expand my knowledge as a communications major. The high-quality user experience internship opportunity is going to take a fantastic effect on the career for who wish to be user experience designers later on. It's possible to also see Teacher Resumes. Functional resumes are extremely tricky and might or might not go nicely with the recruiters. Accounting Clerk Resume Your accountancy abilities and strengths should be displayed in a user-friendly format. Instead, search for entry-level jobs. Bear in mind the men and women you will be competing with for the jobs you desir e. Fast food jobs are fine in case you have nothing else. Any part-time jobs you might have held in high-school or college, most likely aren't that relevant to the type of work you're seeking. Which format you select will depend, in part, on the kind of work you've performed and whether you are likely to continue in the exact field. College settings are wonderful training sites to sharpen your abilities. Meta descriptions permit you to influence the way your web pages are described and displayed in search success. A great description functions as a possible organic advertisement and encourages the viewer to click through to your website. Whether you're a recent accounting graduate or you've been in the area for at least a decade, crafting the ideal accountant resume objective could help make sure your resume stands out from the remainder of the stack. UX intern working may be a fantastic variation in various businesses. Following that, you must showcase yourself as one by having the ideal mixture of intern skills, which recruiters normally search for. While taking initiative is critical, so is the ability for feedback. The Intern Resume Cover Up So before you're ready to make an application for an internship, it's important to earn a simple preparation and make a compelling online resume and portfolio. The international large business will provide internships each year. There are businesses who prefer freelancers since they only pay for productive hours and aren't obligated to pay benefits. Most employers aren't expecting you to get extensive experience because an internship is normally the very first experience students have in their area. If you don't have experience, then attempt to obtain an internship when possible. Otherwise, the internship probably won't be a fantastic experience for them, or you. See the included Internship resume for a complete example. On an individual basis, it could possibly be suggested students receive professional counseling to help them in their private growth. Students might choose to incorporate a thesis for a part of their program of study. Generally speaking, higher school students have a tendency to concentrate on their club participation whilst college students often incorporate major class projects. A Startling Fact about Intern Resume Uncovered Today's job market is remarkably competitive. Intern sites are usually on the lookout for those who can dedicate themselves to the endeavor. As an intern, 1 day you may find yourself supporting the sales team and the following day performing customer services. Comment on your understanding of the company (their goods, services, or unique projects) and why you could be interested in working for them. The Death of Intern Resume There's a hyperlink to the resume of each one of the supervisors on the site. Organize the information so that it's simple to re ad and absorb. Be sure your contact information is accurate. If you require an extra info, I can be reached at the contact number and e-mail listed above. The Intern Resume Game Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. The resume profile statement is critical to receiving the reader's attention and making certain your resume receives serious consideration. If you want more help, take a look at our professional experience writing guide. Functional resumes make it resemble the applicant is hoping to hide something from the recruiter.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Writing Rules

What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Writing Rules If you don't exercise regularly, you won't write regularlyor not for long. Then you should know your characters. Choosing whether to compose numbers as numerals or as number words is an issue of style. If you would like to succeed in your writing at university or college, you must have a very clear understanding what academic writing is. Fear of earning mistakes contributes to paralysis. In an official letter you're typically writing to obtain or give info about company, school, employment, etc.. Your work is to write the very best letter you. Formal writing is essential for academic and company conditions. In business, written communication is important in many ways. Developing a formal signature is easily the most professional strategy. The Web is a huge resource and entirely unavoidable, but nevertheless, it will allow you to focus when you get the Freedom app. In the example of brand names, companies are of little support, since they capitalize any word that is relevant to their merchandise. The very first step is to enter the correct mindset. Instead, you may make a customized event log supply. Inside my opinion if you're running a business for yourself or work for a company which requires you to communicate via email, you have to be alert to proper etiquette. The very first letter of the genus name also needs to be capitalized. The very first example of a word ought to be spelled in full, and often it might be abbreviated afterwards. If you are not sure about the way to use a specific word, don't be reluctant to look this up in the dictionary. So, at times it is quite hard to differentiate whether it's an official word or something from a slang language. To begin with, let's look at the term macro. The aforementioned rule should be repeated. A lot of people can hear every time a selection of words is a logical sentence as it sounds complete. If you're able to explain a thought in a couple of words, prevent the lengthy cut. The Importance of Writing Rules Learning the rules of grammar will provide you with a clear comprehension of proper English syntax. Utilizing good vocabulary is among the hardest aspects for the students. Wordy sentences are not simple to follow. Rather, you need to use concrete and specific language. Paragraphs are so long as they should be. Writing a recommendation letter does not need to be hard. It is a very polarizing topic for many people. Titles aren't the very same as occupations. The Importance of Writing Rules As a consequence the dictation could possibly be subject to translation and alteration as a way to fit the style requirements. Notice how professional emails and application letters are created, all of them hold a degree of professionalism. When writing a formal or company letter, presentation style and format is essential to making an excellent first impression. It's also worth considering an acceptable amount of impact factor or journal quality. Another typical mistake is to neglect to criticise the research explained in the manuscript by highlighting the limitations of the analysis. It's important for a person to develop the suitable writing skills as a way to communicate clearly and properly. The quickest way to elevate material is to consider theme for a question in the place of a statement. You have to have a smooth flow by means of your report writing. A covering letter is the one which accompanies your CV when you're applying for employment. You should almost always stick to the very first list. The thing about formal writing is it is not exactly the ideal way, but it's what's thought of as appropriate under a given circumstance. There's nothing sadder than someone sitting there and attempting to apply plenty of rules that aren't turning that person on and aren't stimulating and aren't making a novel. Regardless of what side of the debate you fall on, it is an excellent concept to be conscious of it. A number of the things you will need to know to pass the quiz include which perspective needs to be utilised in formal writing and why cliches ought to be avoided.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Solutions for It Resume Examples 2017 in Easy to Follow Step by Step Format

Solutions for It Resume Examples 2017 in Easy to Follow Step by Step Format It Resume Examples 2017 Secrets You might not possess all the desired skills it's not an issue, but presenting the ones that you do possess effectively is essential. Don't have the proper skills, and you might lose out on your perfect job prospect. If it doesn't stand out, there isn't any reason for employers to select yours. The very first thing you ought to do is make sure a prospective employer knows whose resume they're taking a look at! Begin with something you adore about the business instead. As a consequence, you don't require stuff which is too fancy or technical to acquire in. Since whoever owns the company is tied to the provider closely and on a personal level, obtaining a fresh from the box viewpoint from a consultant can be extremely useful. A great consultant will sit down with the owner, and offer an efficient strategy as a way to fix the difficulties. The Honest to Goodness Truth on It Resume Examples 2017 COMBINATION RESUMES are excellent for individuals that are looking to earn a career change and continue from 1 industry to another. You may also download totally free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. A CCNA is normally an IT certification. A Consultant might advise one particular person, several men and women, or entire departments of a firm. Read more on the best way to compose your impressive Consultant resume above. The Good, the Bad and It Resume Examples 2017 The desktop support engineer CV example will reveal to you the way to encompass your wide variety of competencies in your document. If you get a simple understanding of Microsoft word, you will have the ability to customize it and make your own resume. Currently, it's not vital to format your own resume on your own. No matter your degree of job knowledge, your resume format is essential to making your program stick out. Choosing Good It Resume Examples 2017 All that can compose a valuable experience section. In some instances, the leasing consultants have to operate a property golf cart to show residences to possible customers. It can be challenging to truly feel prepared when applying for work, but focusing on developing a strong CV will make it a lot simpler to be hired. Then use the helpful writing tips to make your own CV tailored for the job which you desire. The Battle Over It Resume Examples 2017 and How to Win It Whether to employ a business consultant or not is a tremendous decision nearly every business is going to have to make at the same point or another. Your screener may have gone to the identical university or was from precisely the same country as you. Even should a client doesn't demand your presence on-site, you will need to fly to contact your team. While the firm may eventually get in contact with you, a very first impression is set and you're going to get off to a lousy start. When you've set your sights on consulting for a career pathand figured out what kind of firm you want to work forthe next step is to receive your resume ready. The secret is to choose the proper achievements and to describe them in a sense which makes it clear you would make a huge consultant. In a moment, you will observe an ideal consultant resume. The very first step for virtually any business consultant is to learn their customer's business, which is also referred to as the discovery stage. To have the ability to catch the interest of the hiring manager and land an interview, you want to get a fantastic CV as a portion of your application package. If you place in the effort to produce your CV shine, you may apply with confidence. You wish to know if you experience an interview once possible. It's crucial that you don't simply apply these resumes verbatim.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Buying How to Make Resume

Buying How to Make Resume The Pain of How to Make Resume Actually, you should be aware that a great deal of companies nowadays are using Applicant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and get the best candidates. To be able to come to an educated decision, you'll need to appear at all the facts presented to you. You may also have keywords from the work description in your resume. Include your complete name, telephone number, email and personal branding website if you've got one. The Tried and True Method for How to Make Resume in Step by Step Detail An excellent method to generate the most informed decision is to stick to a process which assures you're taking into account all appropriate info and considering every one of the absolute most probable outcomes. To prove you're good at decision making, you'll need to make the greatest possible choice in the shortest time possible, in addition to having the ability to show reasons that support your decisions. You don't nee d to take every suggestion. Prior to making a determination, that person is going to have been presented with large quantities information surrounding it, and it is going to be their job to determine which is the most appropriate decision based on all the disadvantages and advantages of the options they have available to them. What Everybody Dislikes About How to Make Resume and Why Now you can get genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done also. Most men and women look at writing a resume as just something you've got to do to have a job. In addition, don't neglect to ask tough questions regarding the character of the job during your interviews! Make it part of your own personal brand. Showing appreciation for some other people is most likely the fastest way to acquire in their good graces. Ensuring your categories are well organized is a fast approach to help set you in the yes pile and keep you from the trash pile. A c hronological resume works best when you've got an extensive work history that's in the very same line of work as the job for which you're applying. What Everybody Dislikes About How to Make Resume and Why Before you answer that, find out more about the organization you're targeting and determine how it may help you achieve your career objectives. Your aim is to quantifiably prove that you're able to. So your first objective is to have your resume read by means of a person. The target of your resume is to secure you the interview. The Definitive Strategy to How to Make Resume As you proceed through the typical preparatory work for your interview, it's imperative that you carefully review the work description and thoroughly find out more about the business so that you understand the way your decision making skills will fit in with the wider business. Assume, you have at least 10 years experience in any business and while you're at job of course you've gained experiences and te chniques from other relevant fields like as a sales person you understand how to take care of customers, how to turn into a dedicated account manager, how to provide after sales support. When deciding what to include, you need to begin by thinking about the nature of your prospective employers, your degree of experience, together with the abilities and certifications desired. You've got a chance to enhance your resume and personal branding. New Step by Step Roadmap for How to Make Resume Of course you desire your resume to be noticed, but for the most suitable reasonsand you've got to realize that it starts with the very first second someone looks at it. You are likely to love our work. So, my very first step was getting my resume prepared to go. Skipping steps usually contributes to poor outcomes. How to Make Resume - What Is It? A chronological resume is among the most common resume formats. The chronological resume format doesn't work well whenever you're changing caree rs. Resume examples will be able to help you see what type of content you should put in your document. The Most Popular How to Make Resume Resume is the very first impression which every candidate want to present their possible employer. You must commit time into each application and make certain that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job which you're applying to. Coding challenges are a frequent way for recruiters to parse through a great deal of applicants quickly. Don't just cut and paste exactly the same job responsibilities for several jobs. How to Make Resume: No Longer a Mystery If not as it's the morally right action to do, then at least for the reason that you would like to leave with yet another expert contact in your repertoire. Speaking of unique, the principal target of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for exactly the same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power wo rds (also called resume verbs). For almost whatever you want to include on a resume, there's a category to help organize it. So make certain your resume is not hard to read by making sure there is lots of white space around the text, particularly headings. Your job (while you're attempting to find a job) is to make certain to fit what they're searching for. On the contrary, it should just fit for the job that you are searching for. Stick to the above mentioned advice, and make a bid to boost your resume and boost the chances to turn into outstanding and get shortlisted for the job that you are applying. Each time you submit an application for a new job, check your resume to make sure that it isn't only targeted, but in addition current. The Debate Over How to Make Resume Some businesses will check with you about your requirements, then quote you a flat rate based on the product they'll create for you. Several organizations utilize a blend of centralized and consensus-based styles. Employers have a tendency to value decision making because it's a skill that is necessary in many diverse situations across many small business areas from everyday tasks through to more complicated projects or unforeseen scenarios. During the selection process, they will want to assess a candidate's decision-making skill by asking a number of specific questions to determine their level of expertise.